Membership | Price (+HST) |
Single | $85/year |
Single Plus | $120/year |
Family | $130/year |
Family Plus | $175/year |
Contributing | $300/year |
Supporting | $600/year |
Sustaining | $1,000/year |
Benefactor's Circle | $2,500/year |
Director's Circle | $5,000/year |
President's Circle | $10,000/year |
Legacy Giving Program
Leave a Legacy
Leaving a legacy gift ensures that nature has a place in the future for everyone.
When you leave a legacy gift to Royal Botanical Gardens, you help sustain RBG’s acclaimed horticulture, conservation, science, and educational programming that connect people, plants, and place for generations to come.
Giving Options
Giving Options
How will your gift impact RBG for years to come?
Annual Fund
Since your legacy gift will not be received for many years, it is often best to designate your gift to the greatest need as determined by RBG’s Board. This ensures we can carry out our mission into the future.
Green Angels Subsidy Program
The Green Angels fund provides disadvantaged, special needs and new Canadian children with subsidized school and children’s programming, camps, annual family memberships and admission passes. Your legacy can play a direct role in connecting children and families to nature.
Ways to Give
At RBG, we strongly recommend that you seek professional financial and legal advice and talk to your family before making a legacy gift. We are here for support should you or your financial advisor be interested in information on any of these legacy gifts. Please contact us if you need help.
- Leaving a Bequest in Your Will – This is an effective way to increase the value of your estate and have a charitable receipt issued to the estate for the value of the bequest. The bequest can take the form of a specific cash sum, assets, a percentage of your estate, a portion of your estate’s residue, or a specific item of value (home, artwork, land etc.)
- RRSPs/RRIFs/TFSAs – Donating registered assets is one of the most effective options for increasing the value of your estate for your preferred charities and loved ones. It’s easy to designate RBG as the direct beneficiary, or you can request a Multiple Beneficiary Designation form from the plan advisor to add RBG as a beneficiary.
- Life Insurance – You can donate an existing policy by naming RBG as the owner and irrevocable beneficiary of the policy. You can also purchase a new life insurance policy and name RBG as the owner and beneficiary. Or you can keep ownership of your policy and just name RBG as the beneficiary.
- Charitable Gift Annuity – An annuity allows you to receive a guaranteed annual income for life and give you an opportunity to support RBG by making an irrevocable donation or cash or investments.
Each of these options allows you to direct as much money as possible to your loved ones and to charity. RBG recommends donors seek legal and financial planning advice when making such a gift.
Our charitable registration number is 13350 0850 RR0001
Featured Story

Gardens have been a major part of our lives since early childhood. Royal Botanical Gardens therefore was a natural fit for us to continue our involvement with the outdoors and increase our love of plants, wildlife, and healthy living.
Read the full story
We also derived much pleasure by sharing all of this with others. On our travels we have investigated many public and private gardens and made certain not to miss botanical gardens in such destinations as Victoria BC, St Louis Missouri and in Boston for the wedding of a family member.
Being in the teaching profession constantly consolidated the essential commitments to the healthiest quality of life these botanical gardens instill in all generations, but particularly in children. When the youth of any society is convinced of the benefits, fun and adventure associated with the outdoors, especially those of the RBG, that commitment will be a constant for a lifetime. Legacy giving makes all this possible for future generations.
Over many years with the expanded mandate of the RBG, we have been constant guests in all the seasons, at the special events curated for traditional family celebrations in each calendar year and the interactive exhibitions which bring fun, excitement, and knowledge to all generations.
When we became grandparents, it was decided that our grand daughter should be exposed to the RBG as early as possible. She began her relationship with the RBG just before her first Christmas at five months old. Watching her reactions to the botanical train exhibit and everything around her made us enjoy the spectacle as if for the first time. She is now six years old and has been a regular guest for hikes, exhibitions and dining many times. Her joy and pleasure were wonderful to observe. We are most proud of the sense of commitment we felt in watching the learning and development of our grand daughter. On another occasion, we were accompanied by a young neighbour who had tended our indoor plants while we were travelling. Once again feeling the excitement and wonder through his eyes made our experience even more worthwhile. A decision to make this possible for other younger children became important and compelled us to contribute monthly to the “Green Angels” initiative.
With our ever-changing world, we are aware of the necessity for a different and greater level of support in order to maintain the high quality of experiences we have grown to expect from the RBG. Monthly donations address a relevant and critical mandate, but estate planning creates a legacy for the future. Our conviction and respect for the youth of our society became starting points. Confidence in the mandate of the RBG to educate these younger citizens towards maintaining and bettering our environment followed. These steps resulted in making legacy giving an intelligent, comforting decision. The final step towards completing this decision came almost immediately after we dedicated a lilac in the Arboretum to our mothers and grandmothers of our two sons. The whole process was joyful, and we can walk there each Spring, stand beside our lilac, and experience the beautiful colours, scent, and the surroundings of the Arboretum in its entirety.

Join our special club that honours those who choose to make a legacy gift to RBG.
Get Started / Contact Us
If you have questions about RBG’s Legacy Giving programs, please send us an email at the form below, or give us a call at 905-527-1158 ext 293 (1-800-694-4769). Should your call not connect, please leave a message.