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Seed Library

What is a Seed Library?

All life needs plants. RBG is dedicated to connecting people to plants. A seed library is one way to nurture that connection. Members of the public can check out seeds, grow up plants, and then collect seeds and return them to the library. For several years our volunteers have been working to provide seeds that the public can borrow, grow, and then return.

If you are new to gardening, interested in growing a greater diversity of plants, or invested in supporting a community of growers, a seed library can help you meet those goals.

We’re grateful for everyone’s interest in previous years. Thanks for all your orders for RBG’s 2024 Seed Library. You helped make it a wonderfully successful year. Unfortunately, the seed library will not be available in the 2025 season as we reorganize. Please check back for future updates.

In the mean time, please check out the Hamilton Seed Library operated by Green Venture.

  • Rows of envelopes containing seeds with labels
  • Sorted envelopes of seeds in a bin
  • Volunteers sorting and labelling seeds into envelopes
  • seeds ready to be packed
  • RBG seed library drawer filled with envelopes