Membership | Price (+HST) |
Single | $85/year |
Single Plus | $120/year |
Family | $130/year |
Family Plus | $175/year |
Contributing | $300/year |
Supporting | $600/year |
Sustaining | $1,000/year |
Benefactor's Circle | $2,500/year |
Director's Circle | $5,000/year |
President's Circle | $10,000/year |
Sow and Grow: Fall Session
Event Description
We are all about building relationships and strong foundations in the garden. This weekly drop-off program digs deeper into the practice and theory of gardening focusing on the ground up: soil. From building mud castles to mucking around in the mulch, Sow and Grow provides gentle (and sometimes dirty) independent learning to discover the world beneath our feet and the organisms that call the gardens home. Children will garden and grow in a 5’x6′ in-ground allotment honing their early gardening skills before joining the Junior Gardeners Club. Semi-structured programming with garden lessons.
For ages 6 to 8
- Fee: $125 + $1 service fee & HST (Members 10% off)

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Tips for Registering
- Pre-Registration is required for all RBG Courses & Workshops
- Member discounts: Current RBG Members automatically receive any indicated discounts when logged in to their RBG account using the email address associated with the membership. Learn more about RBG’s new CRM.